All Careers Leadership

5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself

5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself

There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

What exactly can we do though? If you’re thinking this, that’s normal and is a great concern to have. After all, blindly applying effort to break free of a dry spell might instead make the problem worse. Luckily, we’ve come up with a list of 5 ways that you can effectively motivate yourself.


This of course is a very obvious first step that probably needs little to no introduction. However, it cannot be understated that rest is such an underestimated, yet crucial part of our lives. If you’re confident that you know how important rest is, then you should also ask yourself this question: “When was the last time I took a break?” For many of us, the honest answer would probably be less than satisfactory.

Rest allows us to get rid of exhaustion and put our minds at ease. It’s the quickest escape from stress if done right. Its extreme effectiveness is further discussed here. By taking a deep breath, we can find the time to recalibrate ourselves and dig back at goals that have been motivating us daily.

Speaking of goals…

Set Realistic Goals

While it’s tempting to immediately shoot for the moon, starting small should never be frowned upon. Putting in place smaller, realistically achievable goals that eventually build up to bigger achievements gives us opportunities to gain small wins that keep us moving forward. It removes the possibility of us being impatient, or not seeing the progress in the little steps we take. Smaller milestones are milestones nonetheless and are definitely worth celebrating. It is an easy way to keep ourselves grounded, on the path, and rewarded for the effort we bring with us to the things we do.


Don’t Be Afraid to Change Your Goals

There’s a saying that nothing truly stays the same in life. This can be true for your goals. As you grow professionally, and on an individual level, you may find yourself wanting something new. Having the knowledge that it’s okay to change gears and paths is key for these instances. A new beginning doesn’t mean that you’ve wasted your previous efforts and time, it just means that you’ll get to apply what you’ve learned to a new adventure. Don’t be afraid to dive into a new world. Instead, find relief and motivation in the fact that this means that countless new opportunities are ripe for the taking.

Aside from having goals, it’s also best if we…

Stay Within Communities

It’s extremely tempting to try and live our lives patting ourselves on the back. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating on your own. It’s actually something that could and should be encouraged now and then. However, having people support you and cheer you on is just as important, if not more. Building or joining a community means that you can have layers of support that can give you a helping hand when things go tough. Aside from directly helping at a work level, new relationships can provide you with people to talk to about issues you’re going through. This can result in receiving sound advice, or at the very least, provide an outlet for unmotivating frustrations.

However, when in a community we must…

Face Criticism Positively

One of the top reasons for reaching a point of demotivation is receiving different types of criticism. It can lead to a sense of rejection, failure, or a feeling of incompetence. While these are all valid emotions, we must remember that what people have to say doesn’t need to be faced solely by these feelings. Critics provide new insights on how to grow, and therefore present you with new opportunities and objectives to eventually clear and celebrate. Finding joy in learning there’s still room for improvement is one of the best ways to motivate yourself in any setting.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station is a world-class provider of virtual teams. We are dedicated to finding and nurturing groundbreaking talents to better businesses and improve lives.


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

How to Lead Towards Growth

How to Lead Towards Growth

While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

This importance comes from the fact that leadership determines who, what, why, when, where, and how we follow or pursue our interests. Remember, we may be leading families, organizations, or ourselves, but we are all equally leaders nonetheless. Thus it is a must that we lead towards growth and development, both for the sake of our peers, and ourselves.

Here are the things to remember to lead towards growth.

Have The Right Purpose

Like in any other action we take, leading takes the right motivation to attain results. It provides a compass for us to reach the destination we wish to reach. One’s purpose to lead can be the goal of the journey itself. However, to further increase the chances of success and begin the growth process, it is best to be value driven. Being anchored on core values that matter deeply means a foundation that is not as easily swayed by distractions or challenges.

Consider Communities

As we all know and understand, individuals are affected by the people around them. The environment, living conditions, and overall happiness of the community at large play a big role in shaping both leaders and their peers. Any aspiring person must then always consider playing a more significant part in community development. Building up others, whether they are connected to one’s personal goal or not, is an experience that can build character and inspire confidence. This can be done through leadership that advocates for greater direct action or be as simple as asking community members how they are and engaging in small conversations.

Engage Other Leaders

One of the simplest ways to advance as a leader and as a person is to engage with others. Learning from different experiences and being able to share ideas creates endless opportunities for growth that would otherwise be inaccessible. The discussions created would also serve as a way to critique different leadership styles so that everyone can develop off of each other. It is thus best to either host or participate in purpose-built conferences that can attract great people to learn from.

By paying attention to these simple ideas, everyone can expect to achieve a new type of growth. The new leader that will arise from these concepts won’t just be an effective figure to follow, they will be a model to imitate. People who take these concepts seriously will notice a great improvement in their work culture.

Rocket Station’s leadership team is a great example of these tips being applied. The dedication to better leadership has not only led to an objectively better work culture, but has also created sustainable growth that every member can be excited about.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station is a world-class provider of virtual teams. We are dedicated to finding and nurturing groundbreaking talents to better businesses and improve lives.


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values

Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.

Why Do Values Matter?

One might quickly question and dismiss the assessment that brings to light the importance of values. After all, we’ve heard about them for a long time. From school to our different workplaces, values have been talked about repeatedly, albeit in a generalized way. However it’s not the lack of values or vision and mission that should be at the center of our focus, but rather what exact values we hold. 

Coming up with the right values to run an organization, or to inspire oneself can be the difference between ticking a task checklist for the sake of doing a job, and finding contentment in achieving success throughout the day. How then should we decide on what gives us inspiration and hope to be at the top of our game?

Scope of Impact

Knowing how, what, where, when, and who your values affect is the very first thing to consider. Your colleagues are less likely to get motivated by following a vision that is entirely self-centered or benefits a select few. Instead, having core values that positively change outcomes for a large scope of other people should be at the forefront of one’s priorities. It invites a greater sense of purpose and inspires ethical and moral motivators within people and is more likely to draw their confidence.

Simplicity and Achievability

Core values are like guidelines to follow. They are the constitution of the rules of a company, and the compass on which a worker bases decisions on. Just like guidelines, company and personal core values must be simple to understand and are grounded in humanity. Simplicity also means that these principles must be possible to adhere to and live by. Too often organizations set up grand vision and mission statements that are overly complicated and larger than life. While inspiring others to go beyond is good, going extremely over the top only adds pressure and even non-compliance.

Invites Collaboration

While having a foundation that allows individuals to excel on their own is good, human history teaches us that greater things are achieved when people work together. Ensuring your core values inspire teamwork, rather than internal competition is an absolute must. This avoids the trap of a toxic work environment and instead brings about a fun and collaborative workplace. To take it a step further, having values that inspire collaboration with external parties are even better and results in building important bridges across multiple industries.

Taking into account these three key considerations will result in core values that not only result in success and happiness but also growth individually and as an organization. These are the same factors that we at Rocket Station have taken into account to ensure that we maintain greatness on another level.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station is a world-class provider of virtual teams. We are dedicated to finding and nurturing groundbreaking talents to better businesses and improve lives.


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

Mental Health Tips for the Remote Worker

Mental Health Tips for the Remote Worker

August 2022 – While remote work is often described as simple, fun, and easy, it does come with its own set of challenges. One particular area of concern that has been greatly highlighted over the past two years due to lockdowns is mental health. Not only is it important in the grand scope of one’s personal health, but it is sadly often misunderstood.

Most of the time, people’s understanding of mental health is skin deep. “Are you happy? Are you sad? Do you feel stressed?” These are common questions and ideas people have when talking about mental health. While not wrong, it goes beyond these simple thoughts. It is the state of mind, the ability, and the drive to create action both for oneself and their community. It is more than just the absence of mental disorders or emotional imbalance.

With that said, how can we actually take care of our mental health, especially for those transitioning into remote work Although studies show that remote work can be greatly beneficial for a lot of people, this doesn’t mean it’s good for all. After all, it can become a path towards isolation.

Here are quick tips that every remote worker should consider to find brighter and more productive days.

Stay Connected

Humans, as they say, are social creatures. This is definitely true as even the most introverted people need to communicate with others. The first step one should take then is to establish ways to connect with others from the comfort of home. By others, we mean more than just co-workers. Staying in touch with loved ones, and finding time to participate in online hangout activities can be the difference between a slow remote work day, and one filled with fun and discovery.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Every part of you is connected. That includes your mind and your physical being. Taking care of your physical health means that your brain can function in the best way possible. It can lead to better focus, more energy, and an overall better outlook throughout the day.

Find Balance Through Boundaries and Time Management

Remote work is wonderful as it gives workers a sense of freedom at home. However, this can also lead to blurring the lines between personal and professional activities. Ensuring that you balance time for each part of your life and set hard boundaries can be the difference between a stressful day, and a great day. Time management also plays a key role in this regard. Do work during work hours, and spend personal time on hobbies or for family. A simple way to start is to stop eating while looking at or doing your work, a common thing to do for remote workers.

While these three things we’ve just discussed seem simple, doing a little bit of self-reflection will allow you to see that it’s these key things that we tend to take for granted. This is why it’s best to start with the basics to grasp ourselves better, to care for ourselves, and discover growth. This is true not just for remote workers, but for everyone, especially those aiming for the top.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station is a world-class provider of virtual teams. We are dedicated to finding and nurturing groundbreaking talents to better businesses and improve lives.


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

The Dos and Don’ts of Strategic Planning

The Dos and Don’ts of Strategic Planning

July 2022 – Every company aspires to be successful and grow beyond the “startup” phase. To make this vision a reality, multiple steps are taken to ensure the best results. While some can make do by “winging it”, most big players in the business sector got to where they are through careful strategic planning.

What exactly is strategic planning though? Simply put, it sets key objectives, analyzes internal and external factors, evaluates possible courses of action, and executes with as little room for error as possible. The great thing about it is that it works on both an organizational level, and an individual level. For it to work in larger scopes, it is a must that each member understands the concept so that they can grow individually.

Now that we know what strategic planning is, it’s time for us to learn what to do and not to do to make the most out of our efforts.

The Dos

Make Your Plans Visible

Leaders need to ensure that plans are seen and understood by their peers for them to work. This goes beyond informing people involved in your plan, but also means informing certain individuals who are outside your strategy’s scope. This ensures that not only are you all on the same page but that everyone is also held accountable through transparency. It is also through this method that you can receive feedback and expand your strategic planning beyond your abilities through the input of others.

Communicate With Others

As mentioned earlier, feedback and the input of other people is important. Your own two eyes can only see so much, or in this case, see so little. Communicating with your team willingly and synching up ideas can lead to much more creative programs. Fresh eyes can also catch weaknesses and strengths that you may have failed to identify. As they say, “teamwork makes the dream work”, and this is definitely not an exception.

Set Smaller Goals

Although it is tempting to fill your whiteboard full of large goals and wins you wish to achieve, there is merit in setting up smaller objectives along the way. Small wins are worth celebrating and are good for morale. Not only that, setting up smaller milestones that accumulate as you move along your strategy creates stepping stones and checkpoints for your much bigger, intended development. This minimizes the damage done by things going wrong, and helps you adjust quicker and more effectively

The Don’ts

Focusing on Short-Term Goals

One of the most common problems with how people think about progress is that they’re focused too much on tomorrow. While planning about tomorrow is certainly something that doesn’t sound bad, it is in fact, very limiting. Decisions must be made with not just the immediate future in mind, but instead, consider how executing these plans can eventually lead to bigger opportunities. Seeing what’s in front of you is the first step, but the real step to true success is being able to see beyond that wall, what lies on its sides, and in some cases, what is right behind you.

Getting Stuck On Costs

Plenty of time goes into thinking about costs. By costs, we mean more than just finances. This includes manhours, effort, and stress invested or will be invested into a project. While it is important to detail all of this and forecast your outgoing resources, we must ensure that we are always fundamentally aware of a key point. Planning for your cost is not the same as planning for your revenue. You can plan what you choose to spend, but it is up to your customers as to how much return you are to receive. A leader must therefore think with as much effort as possible to ensure that there is a good return on their investment. It is not enough that we say we’ll spend a certain amount of hours on something. We must also make sure that the action itself generates proper returns.

Experiencing Tunnel Vision

Having a great strategy at the ready is wise. This means that you went into the proper research, preparation, planning, and so much more to ensure that you’ll get the best results. However, we need to make sure that we don’t focus too much on what we’ve strategized despite all the effort we’ve put into it. Great leaders recognize that change is inevitable and the landscape continuously evolves without us doing anything. This means that we must be able to bend long-term plans as new developments arise while maintaining the same key objectives.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

Company Core Values

Company Core Values

How Important Company Core Values are?

June 2022 – Core values are principles that define culture. Any successful organization nowadays begins with strong and cohesive core company values. These are vital in helping maintain employees’ alignment to the company’s goals and vision. Core values are traits or qualities that are just as important as a human’s circulation system. These are not just worthwhile, they represent an individual’s or organization’s driving forces, vision, beliefs and priorities. These are sometimes referred to as the heart of an organization and it summarizes the intention and the entirety of its people. Rocket Station, for example, is an organization that believes in the values of prioritizing its people, because that is what defines the company. It is what the company stands and strives for. This is also the reason why Rocket Station is a Certified Great Place to Work. Some of its core values consist of Doing the Right Thing, Exceeding Expectations, and Having Fun.

For some organizations, core values serve as the foundation which was built from collective behavior of its people. Shared values are powerful reminders that no one is self-sufficient; everyone relies on others. In this way, core values promote connection, trust and camaraderie in which transform a business to success.

Here are 4 other reasons why core values are important and why these reasons matters:

Authenticity. Core values help differentiate a company from anyone else in the industry; they determine distinctiveness. It creates an honest understanding of how the company operates and how the company treats its people. Authenticity is being viewed as “being real” to the purpose and the direction where the organization is heading. It is important to create core values that transpire from the collective and authentic interests of people from the Organization. Authenticity goes hand-in-hand with trust, and can only be achieved through open and honest Core values. They should represent self-awareness, transparency, and fair-mindedness.

Identity. Core values serve as the definition that summarizes who and what the Organization is, they demonstrate what sets an organization apart. Core values become the identity that defines an organization and its people. It gives employees or the people a sense of purpose, a vision that would shape everyone’s performances. Core values help create identity and identity creates pride.

Unity. Core values influence behavior, it dictates personal involvement and alignment. It communicates the importance of goals and intentions which would be seen by the people inside and outside of the Organization. May it be the customers, clients, or employees. If an organization is operating under the same standard and values, the people of the organization would begin striving for a common mission and common goal. It will create unity. Giving importance to core values brings effective collaboration and teamwork because it forces people to hold up to the values like a mirror. Any organization needs to attract customers and employees, but how could that happen if the people of the organizations are not unified?

Consistency. Core values promote consistency. Any clear core values become the standard that molds an organization and its people. If the bar of values are not clear, true, transparent, and followed, then it would create inconsistency in actions, productivity, and results. Core values let people know what they have to follow in order to achieve a common goal, it creates consistency with people’s actions and intentions. 

Company core values aren’t just a set of words, but these are the standards and guide that helps an organization operate. It is important to achieve a common understanding of how important core values are, because it is an inevitable way of keeping the morale of the people and leading the organization to success.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

Strengthening Work Relationships while Working Remotely

Strengthening Work Relationships while Working Remotely

4 Ways to Build Healthy Work Relationships while Working from Home

May 2022 – Forming healthy relationships in a new workplace is hard. Now try to imagine building relationships in a new workplace while working remotely, it becomes way more challenging. Like all other relationships, a work relationship needs time and effort. But why should we strengthen it in the first place? A relationship is always an asset; it paves the way to a more healthy and satisfying work environment. It can also contribute to improving work satisfaction, and help boost morale and productivity.

Here are 5 ways that could serve as a guide in strengthening work relationships while working remotely:


People that invest in delivering a clear path of communication are an essential way of building trust.The Pandemic has made communication an important tool in sharpening relationships and resolving any conflict. Keeping an open line of communication within the team can maintain a high level of engagement. It also reduces competition that transitions to achieving a common goal. It isn’t limited to 1×1 communication, but it could be a team huddle, performance discussion, establishing daily check-ins, meaningful conversation within the team, coffee table discussion, and even a Virtual meet-up once in a while. Building any communication process can ensure team members keep in touch in maintaining high morale and eventually develop a sense of teamwork. Communication would always create a way for trust, but with the right amount of mindfulness.

Creating Virtual Fun Activities

It has been proven that having fun and “getting off of work while at work” is an effective way of improving the emotional barriers of employees. Managers should lead the way in providing support to employees. Each company has its own Culture and Core Values, which would help set the tone for company activities. Leaders should set an upbeat tone in virtual offices such as creating fun activities, teammates collaboration, team fun assignments, virtual team building, etc. These activities can increase employees’ creativity, reduce conflict, and help Team members better understand one another. If employees are feeling more engaged it stretches a team to work smarter both on fun activities and their job/tasks. It is important that employees are recognized, involved, included, and needed.

Keeping A Positive Attitude

In a fully remote setup, working from home for a long time can contribute to loneliness and negative emotions. It could also decrease the ability of employees to be brave and to try new things. Keeping a positive attitude towards work whether at home or physical workplace can improve life in a variety of ways. Positive thinking can help employees stay motivated and engaged. It impacts the way they appreciate work and their colleagues. To maintain positivity within the team, leaders are expected to provide emotional and steady support. People might think that a positive attitude is demonstrating signs of happiness, or always putting a smile on one’s face, but it is more than that. A positive attitude is an extensive effect beyond surface cheer. Maintaining a positive attitude and positive environment helps reduce stress, boosts productivity, increases resiliency, and enables employees to seize opportunities. These can only be achieved by assessing thought routines, practicing self-care, and expressing gratitude. Keeping a positive attitude can be challenging, but by focusing on the bigger picture and changing things under your control it would eventually result in positive thoughts that “Things can always get better” and it could influence the way of strengthening relationships with colleagues.


The most important factor that contributes to strengthening relationships is consistency. Being consistent on all standards and behaviors can lead to a high quality of relationship and trust. It would allow employees to be more comfortable in approaching each other. It is also important that employees are able to predict, at least to some degree, how their colleagues will respond to situations. Consistency gives order to a team. It helps both employees and leadership achieve objectives. By being consistent in creating a shared objective, it would usher employees to a better and healthy relationship.

Remote work is here to stay. The people that thrive to strengthen relationships are the ones that could make work more meaningful. Building a relationship while on a remote set-up may be difficult and has its disadvantages, but for all its disadvantages, it creates a way for one important advantage; it allows employees to cultivate an important relationship inside the house, Family. But as your colleagues become your second home, learn to motivate trust and let healthy relationships become the company’s language. A relationship is the result of interaction, while interactions are the seeds that help ideas grow.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Leadership

An Important Leadership Key: Empathy

An Important Leadership Key: Empathy

Leadership is a big word that comes with bigger responsibilities. While a leader gets praised for their team’s success, they are also responsible for its troubles. After all, there are many challenges employees face in the workplace. This is true whether it’s remote or in the office. This is where leadership comes in to make sure nobody gets left behind in precarious situations when the dust finally settles.

It is important for a leader to have eyes for both the trouble and the troubled. It is not enough that they only care about the challenge, as they must also be considerate of who these hurdles are affecting. Saying that a leader requires the greatest amount of empathy is an understatement. A person in charge must know their team members by heart, and always remind themselves that these diligent workers are also people.

People have lives outside of work, and their personal struggles and challenges can affect how they perform. They can lose focus, be less vocal, have a lack of energy, and have an overall lack of motivation to work. Being the person at the helm means you need to spot these changes in behavior as soon as they begin and come up with a solution.

By having empathy, we’re able to identify people in crisis with their personal lives, but what should be the next step?

Encourage Breaks

Plenty of employees end up not using their paid leaves. This may result from having trouble scheduling these incentives or may stem from an area of bigger concern. People tend to be afraid of being thought of as replaceable while they’re on break. Others don’t take breaks because they want to show that they’re the most productive in the team. All of these reasons are a product of a worldwide work culture that is only beginning to realize the benefits of taking breaks. As the one leading the team, advocating rest and work-life balance can begin with you simply adjusting team culture to honor days of rest by taking those paid leaves.

Offer Flexibility

With the dawn of new technologies came new opportunities in working and management. Great leaders make use of all available resources to maximize productivity. Offering a flexible schedule to certain individuals has the potential to boost their efficiency. This stems from others having their performance peak at different times of the day. Offering others a work-from-home opportunity also gives wonderful results. Being with their family at home, and being able to manage their own time helps with their work-life balance. Cutting commute times to zero means leaving time for their hobbies. Working from home also gives health benefits that would surely reflect in their performance.

Trust the Team

We invite leaders to learn when to let go and when to pull in the reins but with intention and empathy at the fore. It’s tempting to require everyone to update you on their progress all the time. For people working from home, it may even become the default. However, wiser leaders put trust in their team. This means allowing them to work independently. It can be a scary thought, but employees and bosses who have built a good relationship become more productive in the long run. It saves plenty of time as you no longer have to talk repeatedly about the same tasks. People can now focus on their work. While this doesn’t mean removing meetings entirely, it limits them down to the essentials. Hours become more meaningful, and that extra time can be used by everyone for a well-deserved break.

While it requires a great deal of change for plenty of people in leadership roles, these empathetic reactions to work-life balance issues are definitely worth the time and effort. Taking care of the team means that the team will take care of you and the company. Making sure that everyone is in a state of balance makes happiness, and happiness can only lead to good things.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers Health and Wellness

Recreation is Important and Here’s Why

Recreation is Important and Here’s Why

Having fun and enjoying life is what everyone wants. However, when duty calls, we sometimes need to place our hobbies in the background and make sure we finish what is more pressing at the moment. With work sometimes taking a huge chunk of the mental load, it can be difficult to justify a few hours of recreation.

Luckily, with a little bit of unlearning and relearning, we no longer need to justify the urge to place in a few hours of writing a short piece of fiction or finishing our favorite puzzle books, as new information shows that recreation deserves a spot in our busy schedules and here’s why:

Recreation Leads to Socialization

It’s no secret that finding people with the same interests is an absolute joy. Tackling similar topics of conversation makes an environment that’s far more welcoming to new friendships. This brings in a positive effect not only on our social health but even on our professions. Creating new networks of individuals you get along with is a healthy step towards a brighter career. In fact, networking is one of the core skills an aspiring worker needs to have. With that in mind, go and engage in your hobbies and be loud with it! Perhaps you’ll find a new friend that can share in your joy, and even teach you a few new things.

Happiness Boosts Productivity

With more scientific evidence coming out year after year, it’s not a surprise that finding enjoyment can increase a professional’s performance dramatically. Work becomes easier to attend to when you are experiencing mental wellbeing as an offshoot of doing recreational activities. It’s easier to find and maintain focus, and to drive stress and burnout away. Recreational activities can become a good source of important fun and relaxation that we all need to stay positively engaged. Hobbies that provide us entertainment value become anchors that keep us steady despite challenges in the workplace. If you’re finding yourself jumping from thought to thought at your desk, maybe it’s time to pick up a pastime to motivate yourself to push further.

Engaging in Hobbies Improves Physical Health

Many of us find ourselves in the unhealthy position of sitting in front of a computer for several hours. While we can mitigate some of the effects of long hours at our workspaces using standing desks, fidgets, and a few stretches, nothing beats having dedicated time away from your work. Physical hobbies such as exercising and engaging in sports offer a surefire way to keep your body in shape. Activities outside physical work aren’t exempt from having a few key health benefits as well. Simple leisurely pastimes help maintain optimal blood pressure and reduce the chances of other diseases by cutting down the stress we might feel. A healthier body can only mean good things, ranging from less downtime at work, to gaining security with an illness-free future.

Having a Pastime can Sharpen the Mind

Plenty of recreational activities require a significant amount of undivided attention. Chess, reading, writing, and many more interests require critical thinking and analytical abilities. Even a fairly new hobby such as playing video games provides a great cognitive challenge to its players. Constantly being subjected to these mental exercises allow for steady growth in multiple important skills. Aside from the aforementioned skills earlier, problem-solving and quick decision-making are also boosted by engaging in hobbies. Sports and physical exercises are also shown to provide positive effects on the mind. The benefits come naturally as we participate in these pastimes for our own fun.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.



All Careers

Why Taking a Break is Taking Two Steps Forward

Why Taking a Break is Taking Two Steps Forward

Being fixated on work is a trait that plenty of workers unknowingly possess. This is ever-present in a world that’s moving faster every day. We begin to harbor the desire to catch up to the many things in front of us. This nature is contagious, as seeing others doing things that seem productive makes us crave more things to do.

While it is true that hard work can be immensely beneficial and rewarding, it is not a one-stop solution. Working at a hundred percent all the time is very inviting of stress and burnout.

According to a psychological journal by Doctor Claudia Newbegin, work-related stress is one of the leading causes of lost productivity in the office. The question is; what should we do in the face of such pressing issues to both our personal health and the stability of our workplaces?

The answer is incredibly simple:

Taking a break is certainly something a lot of people can take for granted. However, this is a luxury for some. For others, it is fear that stops them from taking pauses. The thought of being left behind or potentially losing a job to take a break intimidates workers into more work. This form of work addiction is why information regarding the advantages of rest is important for both workers and the people who manage them. Leaders must know how to balance business targets with their staff’s needs.

While being unengaged in a task may seem unproductive in the workplace, proper guidance turns short breaks into a meaningful and beneficial practice for the business. Stretching deadlines to accommodate rest periods have shown results ending in better quality work, in record time. Giving people a breather allows them to reorient themselves and brings forward the best of their abilities.

People who don’t take breaks have significantly less cognitive performance than those who do. Being burnt out is like being a bucket with a hole. You can still carry water, but you’ll be doing it less efficiently, and you’ll also drench the people trying to carry you. After all, when one person stops functioning at his peak, someone will have to pick up the slack, thus affecting the whole group.

Aside from having better general performance, resting helps a person’s decision-making process immensely. Some of us have probably had the chance to hear the words “Sleep on it” once when we needed to make an important decision. There is a reason for these words. Getting adequate sleep, or taking short power naps greatly improve critical thinking skills. Therefore, leaders need to take a step back as much as their employees do.

The office also needs a significant amount of creativity. This is regardless of the industry as creativity comes in many forms. It can be in the form of an out-of-the-box solution, or perhaps even a history-changing development. The human mind can come up with the greatest things as long as we allow it to. This is why it is important to make sure that our brains are in the best possible conditions at all times. This of course holds true not just in the workplace, but in other areas of our lives.

As much as work is important, we must never forget about our personal commitments. Taking a breather lets us enjoy the fruits of our labor, and enjoy what the world has to offer. It provides us with a healthy time with our loved ones, and to pursue hobbies that we may end up neglecting. Our well-being and the well-being of others is something we must never take for granted.

Breaks offer us a healthier life physically and mentally. It also gives us opportunities to take care of ourselves emotionally. While the first points mentioned above state ways it can give you a leg up for your next promotion, let us not forget that achieving happiness away from your office desk is also a big step forward.

About Rocket Station: Rocket Station prides itself in nurturing top talents in order to give the best possible service to its clients. With this in mind, Rocket Station works to ensure that its remote workers have a good work-life balance to truly reach their full potential. If you’d like to know more about how we enhance lives and better businesses, then sign up for our mailing list!


5 Ways to Better Motivate Yourself
There’s not a single person around that doesn’t go through slumps at work. It’s a naturally occurring event for the average worker that may result from stress, exhaustion, or other factors. However, that doesn’t mean we just step back and accept these episodes of lower productivity and overall happiness. These are the times when we need to step up even more to motivate ourselves.

How to Lead Towards Growth
While all individuals have their dreams and paths to take, there are a few common truths no matter the intended result. One of these is that leadership is important. It is many things. Leadership is a concept, an action, a goal, and of course; it is a requirement to achieve success whether you wish to be a business leader or a simple community volunteer.

Reaching Better Success By Finding The Right Values
Success, accomplishments, and consequent rewards are things every person and company strives for. However, it is easy to observe that not everyone manages to reach these goals. In the same way, not everyone who gets these goals are equally happy about the results. Why is this though? There are countless possible reasons, but a fundamental idea that is quickly forgotten and dismissed is having the correct values.