Meditative Tools for less stress while working from home

We have all been at a point in our lives when we just want to rest. Part of resting is also quieting the mind. How else can we best achieve this than through meditation? Meditation has been an age-old practice used for centuries wherein one performs deep breathing in rhythmic pace and mentally says mantras that helps in focusing on stillness and in easing the mind of busy thoughts. Meditation is so effective, it was proven to lessen anxiety, aid in alleviating depression and even some physical ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), psoriasis, PTSD and many more. 

So for people working from home with an array of things to do, how does one set up a meditative routine especially when work and home come hand in hand? We simply adjust our environment and use tools to help us meditate effectively. Here are some tools that can be useful in our quest to quiet the mind: 

A Safe Undisturbed Space

Better to err on the side of care, but this goes without say: When meditating or accessing the art of mindfulness, one must first listen to their thoughts in complete stillness, away from all the hustle and bustle. Otherwise, you will not be able to focus on quieting your mind. So set a space that is dedicated to rest and relaxation, usually this is the place in your home that offers the most calming vibrations. Pick your spot and try to dedicate that to meditative practices.

Soothing Music

Music can help us ground ourselves well, use breathing techniques and even assist us with meditation. There have been multiple studies that favor the effect of music in the human stress response. It was found that cortisol levels (the higher cortisol levels the more stressed), of subjects were significantly lessened after listening to soothing music. You can find such music from YouTube, Spotify or Apple Music to help aid you in your meditative journey. 

Meditation Apps for Guided Meditation

Currently, with the demand of COVID-19 on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and even socially; we find ourselves looking to more remote ways of performing the right meditative techniques. Last year one of Apple’s Best Apps of the Year 2020 was Shine. Shine’s focus was to provide guided meditation and to calm anxiety. Something everyone needed during these times. For more mainstream and accessible options, YouTube and Spotify have multiple channels and playlists that offer a variety of guided meditations that can help in bringing you into the habit of meditating. 

Meditation Books

For those who prefer reading and knowing more about the science and processes of meditation, there are plenty of books that speak about mindfulness and meditation in the market. Here is a list from Good Trade that offers a list of mindfulness and meditation books for beginners.

Meditation Mala or Tibetan Singing Bowl

Meditation Malas and Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used by meditative practitioners for quite some time. Meditation Malas are energy balls formed into bracelets that bring positive energy when people need more calming sensations; they resemble prayer beads. Tibetan Singing Bowls are far from just musical instruments. They offer very faint, high-pitched sounds that are scientifically proven to induce the relaxation response, reduce stress, and potentially stress-related disease in the body. They are mostly found in many mindfulness workshops and are used by trained professionals to get the most out of meditation.

Scented Candles or Incense

Scented Candles and Incense have been attributed to relaxation in recent pop culture. Multiple studies have shown that non-animal tested, soy candles with relaxing scents aid in lessening fatigue, cortisol levels and promoting affective state of well-being. 

Greenery or Potted Greens 

Last month, we talked about green exercise and how merely brisk walking around nature on your way to work boosts your mood by 10-15% versus indoor exercise. The same can be applied to meditative practices. When trying to set up your meditation space, try to incorporate a view of nature, visual access to a small garden patch, some fresh air, or even just some potted greens. This can help ease the mind and bring forth a more relaxed and lighter environment for you to practice meditation.

May is mental health awareness month and at Rocket Station, we place immense value in the mental health of every Rocketeer. This month, we will be tackling topics that delve deeply into mental health for the remote worker and the things we can do to aid in nourishing and caring for one’s mental health.


Rocket Station Achieves ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022 Certification
We’re excited to announce that Rocket Station has officially received ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022 certifications! This development is another step in further solidifying our commitment to providing exceptional virtual assistant services and ensuring the highest quality management and information security standards.
ISO Certification Announcement
Rocket Station is a company founded on the promise of exceeding expectations. Our culture drives us to set new standards, especially in our industry of providing virtual assistance and innovative business process solutions. While it’s easy for us to stay back and maintain our course, that’s just not the Rocketeer way.
Our Commitment to Excellence and Security: Rocket Station is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Compliant!
Rocket Station is a company founded on the promise of exceeding expectations. Our culture drives us to set new standards, especially in our industry of providing virtual assistance and innovative business process solutions. While it’s easy for us to stay back and maintain our course, that’s just not the Rocketeer way.